Investment/Support Policy
From Asia, to the World.
Cyberagent Capital is an investment firm leading global innovation jointly with startups.
Cyberagent capital has been constantly pursuing global innovation. We invest in internet related enterprises that are led by entrepreneurs with excellent management and leadership capabilities and are determined to expand their business globally and have high growth potential. We possess incubation know-hows based on rich success and failure experience on the internet businesses, and hold a unique business network to accelerate global expansion of startups.
Incubation Support Specialized for Internet Businesses
Cyberagent Capital focuses on investing and supporting internet businesses. Our greatest strength is highly specialized incubation capabilities. We are able to help startups grow speedy and solidly in the fast-moving internet industry.
Offer thorough development support from a user’s standpoint on everything from basic corporate strategy to UI/UX.
Provide corresponding marketing support according to characteristics of service and the stage of its growth.
Share the latest trends in the internet industry, including the latest services and user trends.
Provide accumulated know-hows of creating new businesses and building organizations in Cyberagent Group.
Support from the establishment to the early stage
Cyberagent Capital commits deeply as partners of entrepreneurs from the seed stage to the early stage of business acceleration. We even support and invest in business ideas still in the process of preparing to establish enterprises.
Investment Area
Cyberagent Capital supports global expansion ofbusinesses using our global network that spans across eight offices in six countries.
We have established eight bases across six nations, primarily in Asia which has achieved rapid economic growth, and have actively invested in local businesses. This business network promotes mutual cross-border expansions of startups and helps create international partnership with a local player to accelerate the global growth of businesses we have invested in.
Invest in emerging nations with future high growth potential(Localization of advanced businesses in the countries such as Japan and the US)
Support mutual cross-border expansions of startups
Support building partnerships with local excellent enterprises in various countries
Share the latest market trends of Asia